Wednesday 13 January 2021

Some tips for effective irrigation

Every gardener knows that irrigation is the secret to success. Different plants need different quantities of water during the various seasons of the year and with a desire for maintenance, minimizing your water usage is a responsible step financially. Regardless of the size of your growing area, right from balcony growing pots to huge gardens, there are realistic steps that can make your irrigation more effective. 

Set your watering

Many cavalier gardeners pour water all across the garden and even on areas that are without any kind of growth. This is unnecessary and wasteful.  The various aspects of your garden need various irrigation methods and by properly implementing the ideal methods for every location, you can get more out of every gallon of water. Automatic irrigation systems can from My Hunter Store can save much water by targeting only those areas that require irrigation and keeping the watering most efficient times of the day. 


Your garden is a major consideration for water with a bit care you can make substantial differences to how much water you utilize. A vital element in the management of the garden is the length of the grass. Longer grasses stay better during dry season as it sends down the water received from the Hunter sprinklers as it sends down to its deeper roots. 

Efficient Irrigation

Efficient irrigation can be as easy as selecting the appropriate time of the day, early in the morning or in the evening are the best possible times to water the plants as the soil absorbs the moisture before sunset. 

Keep in mind that it is the root of the plant that require the water and implementing the water directly to the soil in the root area saves the water that may otherwise evaporate. By implementing these easy ideas, you can make substantial development in your irrigation techniques, and bask the advantages of a healthy garden.

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